What Does Your Wallet Say About You?


Your wallet has a lot to say about your money mindset.

Your wallet says a lot about how you feel about your money. Is it worn, unorganized, or just boring?

Then, let’s make it over into a place that honours the currency you bring in and how you direct that energy!

At one point in my life, when I was really struggling financially, as a single mom without a job, I had a serious scarcity mentality.

I wouldn’t buy myself anything, let alone a wallet.

Then one day as I was pulling it out to pay for things, I realized, OMG the coins falling out of the ripped portion of the change purse.

When I think about the message I was unconsciously sending to myself, it was a complete lack of care and respect for the very container in which I carry my money, credit cards, receipts, and business cards, all very important and valuable items to me.

And based on the rips in the wallet, I’m pretty sure having a wallet that money falls out of is bad Feng Shui.

 The kind of message I am transmitting is, money isn’t worth my time, I don’t need a nice wallet to carry my money, and I am okay with leaking money.  money isn’t worth investing my time in.

I immediately bought a new wallet.

I invite you to take a look at yours.

First, clean it out.

Get rid of old receipts and expired credit cards.

Take note of what you’ve been holding on to, then make room for what you’d like to invite into your wallet instead.

Is it time to replace your wallet? Choose a container for your money that puts it in a place of respect. One that makes you happy every time you hold it.

A brand new wallet represents a new mindset toward your money. It generates gratitude for the abundance you have and, in so doing, welcomes more into your life.

Take today to make a small change that will make a huge difference in how you treat your money. Trust me, you will feel “richer” almost immediately!


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