5 Tips to Magnetize Your Home For Success


You know what they say, cluttered home, cluttered mind!

I can never stress enough the importance of these easy shifts you can make in your space. When you surround yourself with things that feel good and create an environment that you actually are inspired in, you will be more inclined to work enthusiastically and productively.

I know my home, which looked tidy, at first glance, but behind closed doors, and in the basement were areas that kept me stuck. Even though I couldn’t readily see them, energetically I felt them.

Also, my dedicated workspace was the kitchen table, so I was more inclined to cook than work on my business.

  1. Declutter – Start by clearing out the physical clutter in your home. This can help to open up energy and make your space more inviting.

  2. Add some plants – Plants can help bring a sense of energy and life to your home. Choose plants that are easy to maintain and will help to brighten up your space. Keep your plants healthy and vital.

  3. Use natural light – Natural light can be incredibly helpful to lift your mood and open up your energy. Open up your blinds and curtains during the day to bring in as much natural light as possible.

  4. Incorporate items that bring you joy – Surround yourself with items that make you feel good, such as photos of family and friends, artwork, or items that remind you of positive experiences. My faves are vintage dishes to hold my pens and accessories.

  5. Create a dedicated workspace – Having a dedicated workspace can help to create a sense of structure and focus. Choose a corner or room in your home that you can use as an office or workspace. Make sure it’s comfortable and filled with items that make you feel motivated and productive. Preferably in a Yang area of the Bagua Map, such as the front of your home.

  6. Check out my Free Download for lots more tips on how to Magnetize Your Space!


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