Get Into Your Power Seat


Are you sitting in the best position for your best work? Ultimately, we want to position the desk with a solid wall behind us and a clear view of the door.

If you need to have your back to the door, place a small mirror on your desk in a position so you can easily see if anyone is behind you without the need to turn your body.

The natural tendency is to check behind us, over and over, which can cause problems with our neck, back, and shoulders.

It is also unsettling to not be aware of who or what is behind us at any given time and keeps us from getting into a flow state (alpha brain wave) because our fight or flight part of the brain is on alert (this is unconscious).

This is why the power seat is so essential.

When you find your command position and have a clear view of the door, you will be more productive and access a flow state with your project.

Also, if you’re in business and want to attract clients, energetically, they don’t come from the wall or the window, another good reason to sit where you can see the door.

When one of my clients, a fashion designer, was having a slow streak in her business and had her sewing machines facing the wall for years.

She felt like she was hitting a wall in her business and she literally was.

I suggested she move the arrangement.

She did and noticed the results right away, and was amazed at the difference.

It was an energetic shift and it created results she was thrilled with!

The beauty of moving things is if you don’t care for the positioning, you can always move it again!

More Tips;

  • Ultimately, we want a clear and commanding view of our environment, which will prevent distractions and help us stay focused on our work.

  • Sitting in the right position when at your desk is incredibly important for your health and well-being.

  • Poor posture can lead to neck and back pain, poor circulation, and can even cause headaches.

  • It's also important for your concentration and productivity, as it helps you to stay alert and focused.

  • To ensure you're in the best position, make sure your chair is at the right height and your arms are at a comfortable level when typing.

  • Your feet should be flat on the floor, and your back should be straight with your shoulders relaxed.

  • Taking regular breaks to stretch and move around can also help to keep your posture in check.

  • When you sit in the right position, you can work more efficiently and comfortably, and your health will thank you for it.

  • When in a meeting with clients or other colleagues, never sit with a pointed edge of a table facing you.

In Feng Shui, we call these points poison arrows, which are directing negative energy toward you.

If you are meeting with just one other person, it is ideal if you don’t have the desk as a barrier between you.

For best results in a meeting, try moving your chairs to the side.

Finally, set mutual intentions for the best outcomes possible before you even begin the discussion.

Make sure to check out my Free Guide full of lots more information on how to Magnetize Your Space


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