The 7 Keys to Turning the Life You Got Into the Life You Want!


If you feel like your dreams are so unreachable and it’s too late to bother even having a dream, then I have great news.

Your whole life has been designed and choreographed to get you to the exact place you are now. With all the life experiences and great lessons learned you are primed and ready to start focusing on your needs, wants, and heart’s desire. The timing is perfect for you to start the journey now for finding the inner peace, comfort, and fulfillment you have been putting off. It’s a simple process in theory but it will take some time to create a practice out of it.

So cut yourself some slack, you’ll have high times and low times, successes and failures, but these will all be of great value as you begin to discover what you want your Dream Life to look and feel like. 

Here are the 7 most powerful keys to creating the life of your dreams!

You want to… 

1. Get really clear 

You must clear clutter, unfinished business, and projects, clear your mind and clear your life of distractions. Clear your life of toxic people, cleaning products, and food, get rid of it all. 

2. Set Intentions 

You should always be setting intentions as you move throughout your day and life, be mindful of what you want and make sure your actions are in alignment with your intentions and goals. 

3. Stay Grateful and In Integrity 

Always start and end your day with gratitude and be absolutely accountable to yourself and others in your obligations and scheduling. There is no room for excuses now. 

4. Take Action 

Get out there in the world or just around town and get a fresh perspective. Open your eyes to possibility and don’t be afraid to experiment with actions towards your dream. Try on some new ideas.

5. Surround yourself with positive people 

Find new friends if you have to, join a club of like-minded people, hire a coach, or find an accountability buddy to help you get results and stay accountable. 

6. Check out your environments 

Your home and work environments are crucial to feeling good energetically. Is your home tidy and organized/inspiring and nurturing? Or is it messy and overwhelming and brings you down? What’s very important is the understand if your spaces inspire or expire you. 

7. Realize failures as opportunities. 

There is really no such thing as failure. Start to see every failure as a learning opportunity. You actually need times in your lives where you can stop, re-evaluate, review and re-frame. What you see as failures or set backs can offer you an opportunity to grow and help you gain clarity on what you do and don’t want. 


10 Tips to Create a Beautiful Home that Supports Your Success.


How to Turn What You Don’t Like Into What You Want!