Feng Shui for Beginners.


The Who, What, When, Where & Why.


Anyone and everyone can enjoy the benefits of feng shui and many successful business people are incorporating elements of Feng Shui to increase success in their best practices.


Feng shui is the ancient art of placement. Feng (meaning wind) and Shui (meaning water) were originally used to locate auspicious placement for burial sites. Now feng shui is used in a more sophisticated manner in homes and other buildings to arrange our belongings in those spaces to invite prosperity, productivity, and fulfillment.


I like to think of Feng Shui (intentional decorating) as subliminal advertising for your success. Just like the marketing experts do with their ads that inspire us to take action to buy their goods, you can set up your office and desk area to be talking to your brain so it’s getting the messages for success you choose without even thinking about it.


Feng Shui can be done anywhere, from single rooms to entire homes, from individual cubicles to soaring skyscrapers. The principles of feng shui can dramatically improve your workday and the trajectory of your career.


The spaces we sleep, live, play, and work in affect us energetically. The items we place in our spaces, and the positioning and colours we use will impact our lives and our work. A Feng Shui consultant can look at your environment and identify areas in your space that may be causing blockages due to clutter which reduces the flow of chi (or energy).


You’re Engaged! Now Create a Home Together that Nurtures You Both.


The Secret to Manifesting and Transformation is Not What You Think. Part 1