Ready to Attract People and Opportunities into Your Life?

Since around 2004 I have been studying success principles, energy work, and personal development (a la the Secret) and it's a continuous journey, which I really enjoy.

My home environments were always very important to me and I have an innate love for interior decorating.

When I found myself deep into Feng Shui in the early 2000s, it helped me make sense of the process of placement in my home and the process of manifesting.

One thing I loved about this form of energy work, is that it requires you to take time to notice what might be coming into your life as a result of some intentional Feng Shui placement.

As an example, one of the things I did for my first foray into the Feng Shui world; I hung a molded concrete plaque of angels or cherubs at my front entryway, which was in my helpful people and travel area of my home, based on the Bagua Map (attached below).

I also created a beautiful area with flower boxes, colourful cushions, and a front door painted Rosy Apple (Benjamn Moore 2006-30)

And then I started to look for results, and guess what? I found them. The owner of the boutique hotel my husband was working for, offered for us to take a vacation in her beautiful resort property in Palm Desert!

I began noticing in general, all kinds of lovely people, opportunities, and offers to go places, such as a book club and even if just to the local park in Deep Cove where I lived. The point here is that Feng Shui, and the intentional placement, helped me to shift my perspective. By starting to take notice of these offers and opportunities, I was training my mind to look for more of them!

Thus activating the Law of Attraction.

You know what they say, what you focus on expands. SO I was hooked. Of course, my introduction to the world of energy work has taken many turns since then and I would love to share more with you over time.

For fun, I have also attached an image of the actual plaque which was a gift from my cousin (a helpful person to me), and also the single angel of which I had 2, flanked either side of my driveway of a more recent home.


Do you believe in magic?