Self Care During a Zombie Apocalypse.


It might sound far-fetched, but after the 2 crazy years we’ve had, (and they keep getting worse) I can see the future.

In the mean-time, protect and care for yourself and your family.

I suggest you do some work to keep grounded every day.

Make sure to get out in nature.

Use essential oil blends that make you happy, and work on your vision.

Create some goals that get you excited.

Use your inspiring oracle cards every day for important messages, as well as to create a soothing ritual.

Connect with friends, you need to get out of fear and find your people.

You may have found that some of your people have drifted away over these past years, especially if you’ve had different opinions.

Remember to forgive the people who have shown you a side you didn’t know they had over this period of fear, divisiveness, and uncertainty.

Find ways to create protection around your home.

You can do smudging with sage, or you can use salt such as black salt, place a small amount at your entry and in the windows.

Purchase some small protection stones such as

  • Clear quartz

  • Black tourmaline

  • Black obsidian

  • Black jade

  • Pyrite

  • Smithsonite

Place them outside around your home.

You can also create a beautiful crystal grid and keep it inside your home.

Remember to be very conscious about this. Just the act of intentionally calling in protection while you do any of these rituals is reinforcing the message to your subconscious and to the universe.

Practice Gratitude. Probably the most important thing to do is take time to notice all the abundance you are surrounded by. This will work to keep your energy in frequency with the good you want to attract into your life, and the good outcome we all want to the current situation in the World.

If you’re ready to deep dive into self-care, please go here to find out more about my newest offering where together we bring to light all the wonderful, magical and untapped wisdom and creativity within you. All the great parts of you that are ready to bloom!

Release what’s keeping you stagnant, unmotivated, and stuck in the past so you can quantum leap into this next chapter of your self-love, self-acceptance, and self-empowerment journey!


How to Turn What You Don’t Like Into What You Want!


You’re Engaged! Now Create a Home Together that Nurtures You Both.