How to Turn What You Don’t Like Into What You Want!


When I do my visioning workshops, one of the first things I like to do with my attendees is the clarity through contrast exercise which I learned form Michael Losier, author of The Law of Attraction.

This technique did change my life.

One day during my “I hate my life” years, I was going for a drive to a client and it was an hour trip, so I decided to bring an audio book. I grabbed The Law of Attraction and I totally had an epiphany!! Cue Angels singing.

The thing that was so profound for me was this exercise. Every time you catch yourself saying Don’t, Not, or No, you then ask yourself, So, what do I want.

I really had no idea what I wanted, I was so entrenched with hating everything and couldn’t easily come up with what I would actually prefer the experience to be.

So it hit me that this is what most of us are going through most of the time. We readily know what we don’t want. So we can use this as a jumping off point for what we do want.

In the exercise, you take the time to write a big list, as many things as you can think of that you don’t like about a certain aspect of your life.

When you’re done, you then fold over the page and write the new thought, it’s essentially the opposite of what you had written on the first list. Now you can cross out the old thought because you don’t need it anymore. You’ve got you’re new go to thought. So when you catch yourself saying or thinking one of the old negative phrases, you can say to yourself, so, what do I want and you won’t have to struggle for the answer.

It really helps to put yourself in a positive vibration and attract more of what you want in life and less of what you don’t.


The 7 Keys to Turning the Life You Got Into the Life You Want!


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